ODST NPQH course kicks off for new and aspiring school leaders

Fourteen talented school leaders from across ODST schools are taking part in our new NPQH course, which kicked off on 25 March with a meet-and-greet induction session.
ODST has already led two successful cohorts through the NPQSL senior leadership qualification, with participants from both within ODST and around schools across the South East. Our new NPQH course, however, is exclusive to ODST schools. We are delighted to have some of our fantastic NPQSL graduates making the leap to the headship qualification along with other talented leaders and aspiring leaders.
The NPQH qualification is designed to equip participants with skills and expertise for headship, and is led by Ian Frost (Deputy CEO), Lisa Austin (Principal Schools Adviser), Lisa Horton and Frances Brown (School Improvement Advisers). All are highly experienced school leaders themselves.
Growing our staff and leaders, within schools and within the trust, is a key priority for ODST. We want to ensure we maximise the benefits of being a large network of schools, to offer a range of opportunities for staff looking to develop their careers and expertise. At the core of this is, of course, the central principle of striving to provide an excellent education for every child. Find out more about how we develop our workforce
NPQSL - Autumn 2024 start
We expect to run a third cohort of the NPQSL course from Autumn 2024, and would encourage all those new to assistant or deputy roles, or aspiring to move into senior leadership, to take part. For further information please contact Kate.Walsh@oxford.anglican.org or visit National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL) - Foundation For Educational Leadership (cefel.org.uk)