Target Tracker Champions Network

Teachers and senior leaders from across ODST and ODBST schools met on 5th February for their Spring term training session with school data software, Target Tracker.
They discussed how Target Tracker would respond to the new Ofsted focus on curriculum; how subject leaders can best use it to monitor their subject; attendance reports; and observations.
ODST schools use Target Tracker to support analysis and sharing of pupil progress and attainment data, and it allows our teachers, school leaders and governors to be assured they are up-to-date with the latest and best practice.
As part of this we provide each of our schools with the opportunity to have a fully trained Target Tracker Champion for their school. Our Target Tracker Champions Network meets each term, and enables school data ‘champions’ to mix with peers, be trained by Target Tracker trainers with the latest release material and share ideas and practice to take back to school.